Challenging mountain hike via the attractive Laugensee/Lago di Luco with a stop at a cosy restaurant and 360° views across South Tyrol. The dramatic twin peaks Großer Laugen/Monte Luco and Kleiner Laugen/Piccolo Luco can now be accessed via several hiking paths between Ultental/Val d’Ultimo and Deutschnonsberg/upper Val di Non. Our destination is the higher, continue…
From a lonely mountain hamlet through alpine pastures to the Matatzspitze/Cima Matatz, a panoramic mountain in the Texelgruppe/Gruppo di Tessa in Passeiertal/Val Passiria. On the orographic right side of the River Passer in Passeiertal/Val Passiria, the Matatzspitze/Cima Matatz soars up out of the eastern foothills of the Texelgruppe/Gruppo di Tessa. Rarely does a walk, continue…
A bird’s-eye view and the joy of hiking. This peak lies at the southeasternmost corner of the Texelgruppe/Gruppo di Tessa and is recognisable by its pyramid shape. There are several possible ascents. On this hike we start by taking the cable car up to the Hochmut/Alta Muta uphill station (1423m); this is one of, continue…
The breathtaking view into the Etschtal/Val d’Adige extends from the Texelgruppe/Gruppo di Tessa to King Laurin’s Rose Garden. The Mendelkamm/Costiera della Mendola rises up high like a cliff above Lake Kaltern to the Gampenpass/Passo Palade, forming the border between South Tyrol and Trentino. Its highest summit is the Gantkofel or Monte Macaion at 1866, continue…